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Another Detrans Man Speaks Out
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Bible Quotes To Support Gays

Older video that I had to take down off of YouTube in fear of them taking away my monetization. Thank you so much for your continued monetary support <3

Abusive Relationships

Older video that I had to take down off of YouTube in fear of them taking away my monetization. Thank you so much for your continued monetary support <3

Abusive Relationships

Older video that I had to take down off of YouTube in fear of them taking away my monetization. Thank you so much for your continued monetary support <3

Welcome, BIGOTS! (lol, jk)

This is where we talk important 'controversial' issues freely. Here, we still believe in free speech and agreeing to disagree. If anyone needs to contact me about anything important--use my messaging system here.

Anyone else?

Maybe it’ll help fix the narcissism out of these teens

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Spooky that they know this based on genetics, isn’t it?

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